About The Overlook

There is a general feeling of living in the country, which has both advantages and disadvantages. Wild or feral horses roam, mostly at will, as do coyotes, small lizards, occasional bobcats and deer. Most newcomers ask about snakes when they first arrive and we do have a variety of snakes in the area. Most are non-poisonous and help keep a variety of rodents under control. We do have occasional rattlesnakes (diamondbacks and Mojave green rattlesnakes have been seen in the area) but they also help keep rodents in check. Watching where you step in late spring and summer is a good skill to practice. (We also have a local rattlesnake removal expert in the Placitas area.) Residents have seen, on occasion, a bear walking up one of the arroyos. There are very occasional sightings of single mountain lions mostly around the Village of Placitas.

Water here is a precious commodity and residents are usually encouraged to conserve water when they can. We have several deep wells that supply the HOA with water and a Water Board that manages the wells and related mechanical equipment to keep them functioning. Annual Meetings of the HOA and the Water Board typically occur back to back in January of each year.

The Overlook HOA has been independent of the developer for approximately 25 years although the CC&Rs and Bylaws have seen minimal changes in that time. The current Board is in the process of reviewing both sets of documents to see if they need updating to reflect the changes in laws and regulations regarding HOAs both here and across the State.

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